Benefits of Working with The Big Four Accounting Firms.

The big four accounting firms are the best places to start one's career, because of the impact they make on their employees and the reputation their employees do have outside the organizations. The big four accounting firms include: 1. Deloitte and Touche: It's an accounting firm that is present in over 100 countries in the world with the head office in London, United Kingdom. It specializes mainly in Auditing, Tax and Advisory Services. 2. Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC): It's the second biggest accounting firm in the world. It has offices in over 100 countries in the world including the head office in London, United Kingdom. It also specializes in Auditing, Tax and Advisory Services. 3. Ernest and Young: It's has similar characteristics with Deloitte, PwC, and KPMG when it comes to services and number of offices also having its headquarters in London, United Kingdom. 4. KPMG: It also has the same features which...